T-minus 12 hours!

No, that's not panic. I always chew my nails down to the elbow.

Actually, we're in decent shape here at Donald-Smith-Gillentine Inc., and it's entirely because of people who are not me. While I've been gnawing my nails and fretting and running around like a chicken with my head cut off, there have been a number of people manfully and womanfully putting forth enormous effort to help me pull off this tour.

Note to self: next tour, have a major New York publisher that will do all this for us. Or at least do it six months in advance. I really thought two weeks would be enough...

So, please give a standing ovation to Samantha Macumber, Marian Sanborn, Jay Smith, Keith DeCandido, Elizabeth Perry, Lynne Vogt, Parish Roberts and David Tyler. These folks are the ones on the ground who scouted out the territory and gave us locations to try, pulled in favors and spread the word with friends.

An extra hug and applause for Jimmy Gillentine, fiance extraordinaire. Jimmy has been running the show here at DSG Towers while I'm going crazy, and doing fun things like loading books in the trunk of the rental car and pressing chapbooks flat with a box of Stephen Zimmer books (hey, it works). But lives with me, he asked me to marry him, so he's by definition insane.

Mary has spent untold hours on the phone with bookstores, libraries, coffeehouses and other miscreants attempting to book our venues. Neither of us thought these places would be so resistant to foot traffic, or that it would be this difficult to set up the tour. And we didn't succeed everywhere, but it sure isn't for lack of trying. What success we did have is because of Mary. I am blessed to have two lovely assistants who make the calls and kick my butt when it needs kicking. Mary's new to the Evil Empire here, and what a baptism she got...

So, three cheers for all these folks, would you?

In a moment... the schedule!
