Revenge of Isabel the Ghost: The Transmission

At least, we're pretty sure we can blame it on our ghost.

Sure, it was kind of cute when she was hiding my shoes. Almost funny the way an earring missing since before we moved magically appeared on the kitchen floor in time for me to step on it. Jimmy's busted tire was no big deal. Less cute was the massive sewer backup which required our poor landlords to excavate and replace the sewer line.

But now my Toyota has a bad transmission. The initial quote is $1600. Yes, we're hunting around for a better deal and alternatives that might lower the price, but regardless, we have some serious cash to raise.

We're liquidating our vacation savings, my 401(k) and selling off whatever furniture and electronics we can. We're holding a tag sale in a few weeks. Jimmy is talking about getting a second job, which I hope won't be necessary.

What can I do? I have exactly one marketable skill. So I'm offering a free short story as-yet unseen by the public to anyone who donates to the car repair fund. It will be creepy, it will be original, and you'll be among the first to see it.

Also, you writer types: I am offering my editing services at a discount to raise more cash. I usually charge $4-5 a double-spaced page for a full edit; I'm doing it for $3 a page for the duration of this crisis, if you're willing to pay up front. Email me for specifics and references. I don't usually advertise my editing services because I was utterly swamped, but now I NEED to be swamped.

We need this car to last until Jimmy's car is paid off, and we need to keep the lights on while we do. I know you've all been there, and I know what hard times we all face. Any help you can give would be appreciated. Thank you for your kindness and your friendship.

And if you just can't spare any cash, send us some good thoughts, prayers, maybe a bundle of sage. That ghost needs to settle down - now it's personal!
