
A terrific addition to the summer schedule:

I-CON, Aug. 10-12 in Springfield, Ill.!


Borders Express in White Oaks Mall, 2501 W. Wabash in Springfield.
2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11

I won't be the only author, either - there should be a slew of us! Author Shane Moore (he's on Myspace, natch) is the man to be held responsible - er, we should thank for this - he organized it all and got me in. I am always amazed at the wonderful friends I have made on the circuit.

AND it looks like SULTRY SUMMER FUN is now available at a Borders near you! Go forth and buy!!!! Okay fine, you could get it on Amazon.com where it's currently ranked in the 155,000s and has no reviews yet saying "TANDEM by Elizabeth Donald is the coolest part of this anthology and her NOCTURNE rocks too so you should go buy her ENTIRE COLLECTED WORKS, baby!" ...

But of course I don't care about such things.*

So.... in closing:

Shane Moore rocks.
So does my friend Katie, for agreeing to be my flunky. Again.
So does Amazon.com, for making my books available.
So does Borders, for ordering my books and giving me a folding chair and a glass of tea to calm my nerves.
So does Frank Fradella, my cool-beans publisher.
I'll even be nice and throw in "Cerridwen Rocks!" because I'm feeling generous that way.


* Um, did I mention you shouldn't actually READ the book? Like, at all? Because, um, yeah. Smut. Hey, I needed the money. It should have "this was written to fund the Atlanta convention trip" on every page.
