new website!
Happy to report I have purchased!
I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier. Fortunately, it had not been purchased by a porn shop, as was the case with Scarlet Letters. Now I have a web site solely dedicated to the Nocturnal Urges series.
The site is pretty simple at the moment, and I will have more offerings in the future. For now, please drop by and let me know if there are any coding errors or funky design elements. Remember, folks, I do all my web design myself. With Netscape Composer. Real web designers just started crying. What can I say? I'm HTML-challenged.
Major kudos to Devin Harris, my brilliant graphic designer. Folks, if you ever need work done, give her a call. She designed the neat series graphic.
(And no, that's not the cover image for INFERNII, it's just a placeholder. I have to finish writing it, and then contract it, before we get a cover. Patience!)
I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier. Fortunately, it had not been purchased by a porn shop, as was the case with Scarlet Letters. Now I have a web site solely dedicated to the Nocturnal Urges series.
The site is pretty simple at the moment, and I will have more offerings in the future. For now, please drop by and let me know if there are any coding errors or funky design elements. Remember, folks, I do all my web design myself. With Netscape Composer. Real web designers just started crying. What can I say? I'm HTML-challenged.
Major kudos to Devin Harris, my brilliant graphic designer. Folks, if you ever need work done, give her a call. She designed the neat series graphic.
(And no, that's not the cover image for INFERNII, it's just a placeholder. I have to finish writing it, and then contract it, before we get a cover. Patience!)
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